This section is intended to document all those gigs played by Joe Bouchard in a variety of line-ups and configurations which don't fit comfortably into one of my other main categories.
Joe plays in a wide variety of line-ups and configurations, including shared performances with friends, as well as gigs with Larry Hoppen/Orleans, Jeff Pitchell, Acoustic Jukebox, Triple Threat and performances as part of the Rock and Pop Masters series (RPM) etc.
This diversity of performances is all very well for the audiences but is a complete pain when you're trying to sort out section names into which to categorise and document them. Hence the creation of this "Other Projects" section.
It also provides a legacy archive for gigs played with groups which are no longer in current operation, such as Bouchard Dunaway & Smith and Cool Prototypes, the Joe/Patty G project.
Anyway, if you've ever seen a show that would fall within this section, please get in touch and send me a .
Here are the sections I currently have listed: